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Big Brother v0.13.0.007 Improvements Mod Download

Big Brother Improvements Mod

This isn't a cheat mod. This mod removes a lot of the grinding and RNG from the game to make it fairer and less tedious. It allows for a normal playthrough without cheating but makes the game easier, so you don't waste time or miss out on things due to unlucky RNG.

Features :

- The stat increases from peeping on the girls in the morning while they shower no longer decided by RNG. You now always get +1 Stealth and +1 Persuasion when you peep.
- If the mom catches you while you are peeping in the morning, you don't lose influence anymore and don't get punished.
- A hint has been added to show where Alice hides her cigarettes in her room.
- Persuading Lisa that her homework is correct after you purposefully make a mistake will always succeed.
- If you hide a spider in Alice's bed at midnight, she will now always see the spider and ask you to kill it instead of only seeing it sometimes.
- Alice always gives you $10 to kill a spider if you ask for money.

How to install :

Just unzip the mod and put the "Data" folder from the mod in your Big Brother folder.